Saturday, November 15, 2008

Picture Catch up Day!

We sure had fun at the pumpkin patch! I don't know what it is, but watching kids do things for the very first time brings a sense of wonderment to you. Grandma and Grandpa went with us. Then when we got home, Hannah got to try on her Halloween costume for the very first time! see her little expression!
We have had great Fall so far.

We went to the zoo...and have had some play dates with the twins club. It will be so fun to see what comes of the Holiday season.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Ok Darlena here you go! My neighbor, a good friend and a wonderful mother...tagged me...I had to go on my browers to the fourth folder and post the fourth picture.

So here is me at 12 weeks pregnant. Yes that is my 12 week belly....can you tell that I am having twins? Most women don't even show at this time and look at me, I am a house! I was put on bedrest at this time, so it was an afternoon after napping that Rich took the picture. if you read my are officially tagged!


Well, yes time has passed again, and I haven't posted in a while. Although I check in on blogs and love to read the updates, I fall behind on our happenings, of course with my little wonders, Hannah and Megan I sometimes wonder how I remember to get dressed in the morning for work!

We have been doing well. Megan had a couple of bad ear infections and we are hoping that on Thursday when they have a well baby check up, they will be good and we won't have to think about tubes. Hannah is just as happy as ever...Happy Hannah as everyone says, but 'Hannahbear' seems to be more fitting!

Halloween came and left with our little bugs loving their costumes. They have both taken a few unassisted steps but haven't done it since. We still have the toothless wonders...well they have 2 teeth...but no one is really worried about it, at least I don't think so.

The girls are still not quite 20 pounds but hope that I will have more of an update on Thursday!