Monday, February 16, 2009

17 months

17 wonderful months have come and gone by so quickly...I truly have been blessed to become a mom of twins...Yes, I would love to be a stay at home mom...and give kudos to those who can survive in this dying economy and stay home...but since teaching gives me the "best of both worlds" working 185 days a year, and staying home 180 days.....what more can I say?

The girls have been growing like weeds, even though they still have not cleared the 20 lb. mark. Hannah is just now at 20 pounds and Megan is at 19 pounds....

This last week has been very trying on me, and has raised my faith even more. The girls have been getting over ear infections and by Monday, I noticed that Hannah had this horrible cough...thinking that it was a "cold" I kept her home for 2 days....then on Wednesday, daycare called to let me know that she is coughing even more, and threw up...well I took her to the doc, and had her and Megan's ears checked...they were clear! YAY...but their lungs were a different story...Hannah was worse than Megan, the doc felt that this is the early signs of Seasonal Asthma...not the best of news.
We went in search of a nebulizer, and finally found one at Ray Fisher Pharmacy...they stayed open for 30 minutes longer to train me in using the nebulizer.
Thursday came, and I received a nightmare phone call....from daycare: "Megan is having a hard time need to come check her out..." she couldn't get a breath in so, on a nebulizer she goes...

But now, 4 days on treatments our girls are back...
Please enjoy the next few pics!


Nella said...

Stephanie, the girls are getting to be too cute. I love the blond curls! I get excited looking at your pictures... I can't wait to know what my two will look like.

lindsay Roscoe said...

I am so glad your girls are doing well and feeling better there is nothing scarier then watching them struggle to breath. I have been through that one a with my oldest a few times. Isn't it amazing how fast they bounce back?!