Saturday, February 21, 2009


I decided to take the girls for a walk today before the rain starts. Now usually I know that most would get out the stroller and get walking that way, but I bought the girls these monkey and bear backpacks with the "leash" handles attached.
Well, have any of you had new puppies learning how to walk on a leash? Hannah and Megan were not too far behind that.....

We had a blast going to get the mail, and hope to take more walks if the weather stays dry!


Teesa69 said...

Oh Tyler's got one that's a puppy dog! He loves wearing a "backpack" like the big kids...I hear ya on letting them walk rather than putting them in a stroller! I can't wait till Zac is interested in walking so we can do the same!!

They are adorable. I hope to come and do more reading after I get a load of laundry started...I'm so far behind!!

Mrs. Love said...

So cute! Cobe has the monkey one...can't wait for him to walk so we can use it! LOL!