Thursday, December 27, 2007

After Christmas

It seems as though we got ready for babies' first Christmas, and it went by with such a blur. The girls loved it, and now, there are shreads of paper that need to be vaccuumed finish up the Christmas cheer.
Santa came in good fashion. He brought a choo-choo train for the girls to share, with cute zoo animals on it. They love the songs and flashing lights. Songs of Santa Claus is coming to town made the girls squeal in delight, and the pictures too. It was so fun to see the smiles and hear the giggles. I can't wait until the girls are older, of course next year will be bows, boxes and ribbon will be the hit!
Santa was very good to me. I love to cook...and Rachel Ray is one of my favs...Santa brought me the Rachel Ray Furo knife set and the stainless steel cooking set. BEAUTIFUL!!!!
We are now ready to welcome the new year, and I will welcome going back to work (joy) I wish I could be a Stay at Home Mom...but we have to make ends meet at some point. We get by for now, but will have trouble in the future if I don't go back to work soon.
The girls are happy and healthy, they brought delight to my 2007, making it one of the best years of my life!
I will work on downloading pictures of Christmas...for now I will relive the memories and the smiles.

1 comment:

lindsay Roscoe said...

You are such a cute mom. Happy New Year!