Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Yesterdaywas our 3rd anniversary. We has so much fun! We went on a date to the movies and dinner. We saw the movie Ratatouille. It was so cute! It was a movie that taught life lessons rather than giving you tons of humor.

After the movie we treated ourselves to dinner at Dai Bai Dang....a chinese food restaurant that rocks. Of course from the spice, it made the twins jump around and do the jig...but it sure tasted good.

I feel as though I am the luckiest girl because I have Rich in my life. He is so caring and understanding of me. I still have to pinch myself to make sure that I am not dreaming.
The other day, he came home out of the blue with flowers, just because, and he is taking time to pick up the slack around the house as I can not clean and do to much.

I pray everyday for us and our happiness, and I pray for our daughters. So far so good....I can't wait to meet them!


pinkmorning said...

how great to have a husband who takes such great care of you. i am so excited for you to have your baby girls!

Josephine said...

Awesome! Great, thoughtful, surprising hubbies are really hard to come by!! :-) I'm enjoying this blog. ;-)